
The fee for a custom painting is determined based on the painting's size and the number of subjects it includes, such as people, pets, cars, as well as the complexity of the background.

Need help selecting the best style for your picture or deciding on the right size? Not sure which picture to choose? Want to merge multiple pictures into a single painting? Simply send us an email at or give us a call at (888) 406-3555. We'll respond within one business day to assist you!

People/Pets Oil Portraits
Size 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Subject 4 Subject Extra Subjects
8" X 6" $149
10" X 8" $189 $229
11" X 14" $199 $239
16" X 12" $209 $249 $289
20" X 16" $239 $299 $339 $379 $40
24" X 16" $279 $359 $399 $439 $40
24" X 20" $279 $359 $399 $439 $40
30" X 24" $319 $439 $499 $559 $60
36" X 24" $349 $469 $529 $589 $60
40" X 30" $429 $569 $699 $779 $80
48" X 36" $549 $719 $849 $969 $120
72" X 48" $849 $1049 $1199 $1349 $150
Landscape/House Oil Portraits
Size Price
16" X 12" $249
20" X 16" $299
24" X 16" $359
24" X 20" $359
30" X 24" $439
36" X 24" $469
40" X 30" $569
48" X 36" $719
72" X 48" $1049